When you are looking to remodel your house for selling, you want to remodel it in such a way that you increase its value so that you can sell it at a higher price. To help you out, here are the things you should and shouldn’t do when renovating your house as given by architects’ builders:

Things you should do

The first thing you should do is to look at the profit potential of the remodeling project that you are looking to undertake. As rule of thumb, you should never do anything that you won’t get much from it.

Two of the areas that you should pay close attention to are the bathroom and kitchen. When it comes to the bathroom, you should install a new floor. If the fixtures are old, consider replacing them. You also should consider giving the cabinets some attention. If they are still in intact condition, you shouldn’t replace them—simply repair and repaint them.

When it comes to the kitchen, the look of the kitchen countertops comes in handy. You can install new countertop surfaces if the current ones are worn out, or you can simply repair them. When it comes to the appliances, consider replacing them if they are old.

Things to avoid when renovating your house

It’s a no-brainer that you shouldn’t spend more than you are going to get. For you to avoid spending a lot of money on a house that doesn’t have a lot of value, you should hire a professional to help you in valuing the house before you start the project.

Once you have the value of the house, you should work with your home remodeling expert who will help you choose the simple projects that won’t cost much but will greatly improve the look of the house.

Another thing you should avoid doing is to give attention to areas such as the media room, offices, basements, theaters, back decks, attic remodels, and others that don’t have a good resale value.

Lighting is crucial to the look of the house; therefore, you should never remove it. Even if it looks bad, you should leave it in place. Remember that bad lighting is better than no lighting.


These are some of the things that you should and shouldn’t do when you are renovating your house for resale. For you to get the most from the project, work with reputable home remodeling architects DC.