Useful Tips to Make Your Home Allergy-Proof During a Home Improvement Project
Every homeowner wants their home to feel comfortable and welcoming at all times. More so, homeowners want their houses to look aesthetically appealing as well. Some hire home addition companies to renovate and improve their homes. Building a home addition requires extensive planning as it can cost you some cash as well. However, homeowners should not only consider their house’s aesthetics. Rather, you should also think about its safety in general. By safety, it can also mean that your home should also be allergy-proof. For one thing, allergies can wreak havoc to you or your loved one and affect one’s quality of life. Getting started Studies show that at least 20 percent of Americans suffer from some kind of allergy. Being allergic to something that can affect one’s quality of life. Common allergic symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and rashes among a few. In the worst cases, allergy sufferers may experience shortness of breath and even death. Allergic triggers usually come from your surroundings, and yes, even at home. That is why you should determine what triggers your allergies. Whether it’s because of dust, pollen, or pet dander, allergies should be taken seriously and should start within your home. If you are planning for a home improvement project, you might have to consider the materials and procedures that can trigger your allergies. For example, the dust that can accumulate while the construction is ongoing can cause allergies. Make sure to let your home additions builder know that you or a family member suffer from allergies as well. First, know what you are allergic to A home remodeling addition is more than finding professional home addition companies. It requires careful planning, finding the best and quality materials, and considering possible adjustments needed to do Undergoing a home remodel project can possibly trigger your allergies. It can be due to dust that would fly around the construction area or the paint used for your walls. Also, you also have to consult an allergist to determine what causes your allergies in the first place. Here are other tips that can help to get started with the renovation without the constant sneezing and all. Make sure that your house is well-ventilated before starting the renovation project. Use dehumidifiers to lessen moisture that can cause the formation of mold especially in the bathroom and kitchen. Choose air-conditioning systems and vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters. Close your windows if it is windy and during hours when the pollen count is high (usually around 10 am to 3 pm). Decide whether to have carpeting as it is also a major allergy trigger. Also, make sure to clean your home regularly to lessen the accumulation of allergens. Clean the clutter The next step is cleaning up the clutter in your home, as it can also lessen dust and other allergens that can trigger allergies. Vacuum your home regularly of dust, pollen, and pet dander (especially if you have pets). Throw or give away unused newspapers, magazines, and other stuff that can be huge breeding grounds for dust mites. Clean areas where you usually spend time more such as […]
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