Is It Cheaper To Go Out Or Up For Addition?
Any homeowner looking to increase the size of their house is confused about whether they should build their home out or up. If you are in such a situation, you should know that if you are looking to save money, you are always better off going up. Besides saving you money when you build up, home addition contractors observe that you don’t need to worry about zoning restrictions as you aren’t expanding your house’s footprint. Building your house up also means you don’t have to give up any of your yard for the new foundation. This means that you retain your yard while adding more space to your home. Best practices when building your house up You need to consider several tips to get the most from your addition. These tips include: Work with an experienced professional As much as it’s cheaper to build up, adding another floor isn’t an easy project. For one, you must remove the roof and then rebuild it completely. You also need to have extensive architectural and structural plans. For your project to be safe, you should work with an experienced professional who knows what they are doing. The professional should inspect your current house and determine whether it needs additional beams and whether the foundation needs footings poured to carry the extra weight. When hiring the contractor, hire an experienced one that has handled similar projects before. You don’t want to hire a novice who ends up botching the project you spent a fortune on. Move out of the house. Unlike adding the extra house outwards, adding the house upwards means you have to get out of the house. For once, it will be safer for you as you will have to remove the roof, and you can’t live in a roofless house, can you? The contractor will also use machines to add the extra floor, which might be unsafe for you. As you plan for the new addition, consider the hotel budget, as you will stay in the hotel for some time until the house is safe for you. While at it, also consider the storage costs. Your furniture and appliances will get damaged if you leave them inside the house, so you will need to remove them and store them in a safe place you will most likely pay for. Always plan for this as you are planning for the addition. The last thing you want is to find out that you don’t have hotel or storage money and are forced to stall your project in the middle. Have a solid budget Yes, building up is cheaper, but you still need to spend money on the project. To ensure that you see your project to completion, you should have a solid budget. When coming up with the budget, consider the cost of adding a staircase, hiring engineers, paying for building permits, installing a new heating and cooling system, repairing the house, removing and storing personal items, and many other costs. Many homeowners are excited to start their projects, but you shouldn’t. Take time and have a sitting with an experienced contractor. […]
Read more3 Things To Avoid When Renovating
Are you thinking about renovating your kitchen, bathroom, or entire house? Here are mistakes to avoid making: Being in a hurry Most people will have the urge to renovate their homes when they have a big event coming. This can be a birthday party, family gathering, and so on. As you can tell, they are usually on a time crunch to get things done before the big day. While this is good as they have a time when they should have the project done, it often leads to them being in a hurry, increasing their chances of making plenty of mistakes that end up being too expensive. For example, if the event means some people will sleep over, you might have to have an extra bedroom. This means that you have to hire home addition companies to do this. As you can tell, this isn’t a small project, as you have to knock some walls down or even put others up. You don’t do an excellent job in a hurry on such a project. To have a great experience, you shouldn’t be in a hurry when renovating a house. When you are remodeling due to a coming event, don’t start a week before the event, as chances are that you will be in a hurry and you will mess up. Instead, start a few months before the event. Experts recommend that you start at least three months before the event. This way, you have enough time to find the right contractors and fix issues that might arise, among many other things. Hire the cheapest contractor Many people renovating their houses want to do it at the lowest cost possible. So, they will go with the cheapest options available. This ranges from the contractor they hire to the materials they use. While having a budget is good, you shouldn’t be too cheap as it often backfires. For example, in most cases, the cheap contractor you hire is most likely inexperienced, and they will most likely botch your project. When it comes to cheap building materials, they might be poor quality, and they not only look ugly but also don’t last as long. To stay safe, get quality materials that will give you a great experience. The materials will be a little expensive, but they will be worth it. The same applies to contractors. Don’t hire the cheapest. Take time to find quality ones that know what they are doing. Like the materials, they will be a little expensive, but you have peace of mind that you won’t need to go back to repeat the work they have already done. Don’t work without a plan. It’s tempting to start the renovations as soon as you get the money, but this isn’t a wise move as you tend to make mistakes that can be difficult to reverse. The right thing to do is plan how you will renovate. Before you begin the project, sit down with an experienced professional and ask them to help you develop a plan for the project. Through the planning, you will know when the project will begin, how […]
Read moreTricks That Will Make A Small Room Feel Larger
Do you have a room you feel cramped in every time you step in? Any homeowner would want to bring down the walls and build a new one. While you can do this if you have the space for it, home addition companies observe that you don’t always have to go this route, as there are several tricks you can use to make the house look larger and less cramped. Which are these tricks? Here they are: Get rid of clutter Nothing makes a small room look dirty and congested as plenty of trash is lying around. To make the room look clean and more organized, you should get rid of all the trash, properly arrange everything, and place it out of sight. To maximize space, clear the floor as much as possible. It’s even better to get rid of large rugs to make the floor appear larger. For the walls, it’s okay to have a picture here and there, but you shouldn’t cover them with a lot of art. Remember that one large paint or tapestry is much better than a group of smaller paintings as they make the walls look dirty. To make the room appear to have more space, go for low-profile furniture pieces. For example, if you are having a smaller bedroom, go for a low-profile bed and bedside table. Make use of mirrors Mirrors are an age-old trick. The cool thing with mirrors is they not only reflect light but also reflect images of the space, which makes the space look larger than it is. To get the most from mirrors, choose a focal point and angle the mirrors towards it. A great way to go about it is to place the mirror near a window reflecting the world outside. You can also place mirrors on the walls and glass tabletops, making the room more open. You can install mirrors on the floor if your home design allows it. You should note that it can sometimes get out of control, especially when you improperly install the mirrors or install them so that they make the house look cluttered. Make use of lighting. Like mirrors, lights can significantly make a room look larger when properly used. If you have access to natural light, install large windows that will bring in as much natural light as possible. It also doesn’t hurt to install sheer window curtains or even pull back the curtains as much as possible, so you allow as much light in as possible. If you don’t have access to natural light, you can add some creative lighting effects using light fixtures. Paint the room white White paint has a reflective quality that opens up a room, making it feel airy and light. To make the house appear larger, paint it white. For maximum benefits, paint the walls and ceiling the same shade of white. Painting a house isn’t hard, so if you have the time, you can do it yourself, but let an experienced professional help you out for the best output. Make use of vertical elements. Vertical elements such as wood paneling help emphasize […]
Read moreHome Addition Tips You Should Never Ignore
Are you looking to add an addition to your home? Here are valuable tips you should put into consideration: Follow the building laws Imagine this. You have hired the best home addition builder and even started your project. A few days into the addition project, you get a communication from the local authorities that you can’t continue with the addition as you are bleaching the local building laws. You are devastated, as you have already invested substantially in it. Unfortunately, the local authorities don’t want to hear about it as you are building against the stipulated laws. What do you have to do? You have no other way out other than to pause the project and only proceed while following the stipulated laws. Sometimes, you have to bring down the entire project and start afresh. While you can opt to ignore the laws, you should always follow them. For one, if you are looking to sell the house later down the road, no buyer will be excited to buy a home that was illegally built. If you have an accident, you will have difficulty receiving your claim, especially when the insurance company realizes that you didn’t follow the building rules. To stay safe, always follow the building statutes in your area. Aim to add value to your project As you build the addition, don’t just build it—make it to add value to the property. You should note that sometimes you can go overboard and install materials that are too expensive that you fail to recoup your investment. For example, when the selling time comes, you can install high-end granite or marble countertops and fail to recoup your investment. If you are adding the addition mainly to sell the house later down the line, be cautious of the extras you add as you can easily use materials that you will never recoup the money you put into them. If you aren’t sure about the suitable materials to use, get the input of an appraiser. Always have a contingency fund. After you have come up with a plan for the project, your next move should be to draw up a budget as you are coming up with a budget and set aside some amount that you will use in the event of an emergency. A good rule of thumb is to set aside 10% of your total budget to spend on troubles that might come up. The contingency is usually enough, but don’t stop here—think of the future beyond construction. More space means you will have higher energy bills, including heating and cooling. You will also attract higher property taxes. If adding a bathroom, the extra bathroom space means that you will consume more water. You should factor in all these before you begin your project. It would be a great shame to add an addition only to realize that you can’t maintain it. Work with professionals You must work with experienced home remodeling architects Washington DC for the best outcome. While they will be a little expensive, they are worth it, as you will have peace of mind that you are […]
Read moreGolden Tips to Building the Perfect Home Addition
Are you building home addition to accommodate your new family, or are you simply looking for additional space? There are plenty of tips you need to put into place to have a successful home addition project. Which are these tips? Here they are: Have a home addition plan The last thing you should do is to begin your project without a plan, regardless of how small it appears. As a rule of thumb, you must ensure that the addition fits your property lines. Here you will need to check with your local government to see how closely the codes in your city allow you to build next to your neighbor’s property. As you are coming up with the plan, think about the utility lines or pipes, as you aren’t allowed to interfere with them. To have a design that adds value to your living space and impacts the outside of your house, have detailed plans drawn up by an architect or builder describing all aspects of the project, from the work you will need done to the materials you will require. Have a clear budget You need money to undertake your project, and the last thing you want is to halt your project in the middle. To ensure this doesn’t happen, have enough money for the entire project beforehand. If you do the estimations and find out the project will be too expensive for your budget, it will be good if you can cut back on your house plans or come up with ways to save money on the project. You can get cheaper materials and so on. Besides the ballpark amount, you need for the project, also have a 5-20% set aside to spend on emergencies. Work with experienced professionals. To save time and money, always work with expert professionals that know what they are doing. For this to happen, you need to be ultra-cautious when hiring. As a rule of thumb, get at least 6 bids from different contractors, then thoroughly interview them to find an experienced professional. You should never be in a hurry when hiring, as you will likely hire the wrong contractor who will waste too much of your money. As much as you want to save as much money as possible, be wary of extremely low bids. If you receive a bid that is too low than the industry standards, the chances are that the contractor doesn’t understand what you want or they are inexperienced, and as you can guess, this might mean serious problems later. Hire an experienced contractor, and although they will be expensive, they will save you plenty of money and stress. It also doesn’t hurt to hire one with a beautiful personality as chances are you will spend weeks or even months together, and you don’t want to be stuck with a contractor you can’t comfortably talk to, do you? Find out the things you can do You should leave most of the work to home addition companies Washington DC as they have the know-how to do it, but this doesn’t mean that you should be hands-free with the project. If […]
Read more4 Home Addition Tips for the Perfect Addition
A home addition project adds space to your home and increases the house’s value. For you to properly add the new addition, there are a number of things you should do. Here are these things: Hire an experienced contractor The contractor you hire can make or break your project, so you should be ultra-cautious of the one you hire. As a rule of thumb, ensure that the home addition builder you hire is experienced and knows what they are doing. Instead of hiring the first person in the search results, take your time to meet several contractors in your area and interview them. During the interview, compare their quotes based on the project details, presentation, price, and communication skills. Anyone can say that they are experienced in home additions, so don’t simply take their word for it—ask for the references and contact them to understand the contractor better and how they work. Stick with the existing aesthetic A perfect home addition is one where the new addition blends seamlessly with the older house. If done properly, you shouldn’t be able to tell where the new structure ends and where the old one begins. Of course, you can’t achieve this if you don’t have a plan—you need to know what you are doing from your choice of material, design, and even color selection. For that perfect look, ensure that your addition matches your home’s current aesthetics and your contractor understands the importance of having a streamlined result. Don’t make too many compromises. Cutting corners might seem like an excellent way to cut costs, but this isn’t always the case. This is because you often end up hating the new addition as it often limits your square footage or affects the quality of your finish, appliances, and fixtures. To take pride in your addition, follow all the necessary home addition steps. You also should work with an experienced contractor who will help you explore all the creative solutions that might give your house a seamless look you are after. Set the right budget Plenty of people have had to halt their home addition projects in the middle when they run out of money. To avoid this, take your time and budget carefully before beginning your project. Go through everything carefully with your contractor and ensure that you haven’t overlooked any aspect of the process. It will even be better if you can go over the project’s demands with two or more experienced contractors to ensure that you have covered all ground before you kick off the project. When coming up with a budget, don’t set aside exact money that will exactly cover the project. It’s always wise to allocate 15-20% for unexpected expenses during the renovation. As the plumbers are connecting the new pipes, they might discover that the interior of the sewer is cracked, and you have to fix it. The extra amount you had allocated will cater for this. If you complete the project without touching the extra amount, you can always spend it on landscaping and furniture. As much as the furniture looks good, it might not be ideal […]
Read more3 Home Additions That Aren’t Worth It
Many homeowners remodel their homes so that they can improve their value. While it’s a great move, did you know not all remodels are worth it? To help you out, here are some home remodeling projects that aren’t worth it as given by home remodeling architects: Major kitchen remodeling If you go through major home remodeling publications, you will find them saying that you should pay close attention to the kitchen, as it’s a major house seller. While this is true, you should be cautious of how you go about the remodeling as you might fail to recoup your investment, rendering your project useless. According to Zillow Talk, a kitchen remodel will bring you back half a dollar for every dollar you spend, which is one of the lowest returns in the market. To avoid spending too much money while you get little back, be cautious about the materials you use in your project. As a rule of thumb, avoid high-end materials and rather stick to the most popular ones. The cabinets and faucets are the first to be outdated so replace these. When you install cabinets, you may have to also replace the countertops. When it comes to the countertop material, go with quartz as it has been shown to give the highest ROI as it doesn’t wear out fast. For the backsplashes, go with porcelain tile and ceramic instead of stone, glass, or quartz. If you are planning on working on the floor, choose hardwood as it’s more popular and will last for a long time. Is your faucet old and needs replacement? Instead of going for a customized one, choose a unique one that gives the house a unique vibe. The cool thing about doing this is that your house stands out and you don’t break a bank. Installing a swimming pool When you install a swimming pool, you give your house an elegant appeal and everyone will be fighting to buy the house, right? Well, no, that’s not the case. As much as pools are associated with luxury, many homeowners (especially those will small children) stay away from them, as they are a danger to the children. The pools also require high maintenance so most homeowners view them as an additional maintenance expense. Pools aren’t cheap to install and they often don’t fetch the amount you invest back. This is not to say that you shouldn’t install a pool in your home. If you are simply installing it to relax, you can go ahead and install it, but if you are doing it so that you can sell the house at a higher price, don’t do it as you won’t. Elaborate finishes If your house is old, you might have the impression that it’s too basic and you won’t get a good amount of money from selling it. While there are plenty of things you can do to make your house more attractive to a potential buyer such as repainting and cleaning it, some homeowners opt to refinish their houses. They will install new wardrobes, floor, ceiling, lights, and so on. While this is a great […]
Read more4 Tips for Building an Addition to Your Home
Are you thinking about building an addition to your home? Here are tips you should consider as given by home addition companies: Do you need the addition? This is the first question to ask yourself. Some people think that they need to enlarge their houses often because they deem them too small or have some disposable income. In most cases, they don’t need the extra space. Before you begin your project, you should take your time and find out whether you genuinely need the home addition. If you are adding the addition because you have some money you have no use for, you don’t need the addition. On the other hand, if your family is growing and there is no extra space, it’s time to get a new addition. Have a budget If you have determined that you genuinely need an addition, the next thing to do is determine the amount of money you need to complete your project. The last thing you want is stalling your project midway. Thankfully, plenty of professionals can help you come up with a more accurate budget. As you are coming up with the budget, be honest with yourself. Can you afford the said addition? Unless you are remodeling the house for sale, the addition isn’t an investment, so it’s senseless to get a loan for it. The logical thing is to add the additions from your savings. From the money that you make, be honest and determine whether you can afford the addition from your savings. If you can’t, you are better off building a smaller house. Determine the type of addition you need What type of addition do you need? It’s vital you determine this as it affects the contractor you hire and the amount of money you set aside for the project. If your family is getting large and you need more space for them, you should add an additional bedroom or sitting area. If you are looking to sell the house later down the block, add a bathroom or kitchen. Remember, that the materials you use in your remodeling shouldn’t be too expensive that you fail to recoup your investment. For example, don’t use high-end countertop materials such as marble and granite. While they might be attractive to a potential buyer, you won’t get your money back. Find out who will do the project. It’s vital that you know who will handle the project. Of course, this depends on the nature of the project. If you are looking to add a kitchen, you will need to hire a kitchen professional. You can do some remodeling work by yourself, especially if they are minor projects such as replacing a door or window. Unless you have the skills, avoid doing the large projects by yourself. Instead, let a professional help you out. When it comes to hiring a professional, you can find one in plenty of places. A great place is to ask your friends and relatives. Is there a relative that recently hired a contractor? Ask them to refer you to them, especially if you like their work. You can also […]
Read moreHome addition dos and don’ts
Is your family expanding, and the house is starting to feel cramped? You need additional space. When you add the right space, you increase the living space and increase your home value. If this is the first home addition project you are handling, here are a few dos and don’ts that you should observe as given by home addition companies: Do add additional bathrooms Bathrooms often give the best return on investment, so you will never go wrong with them. And the beauty is that you can add any bathroom and increase the house’s value. Whether it’s a master bathroom, guest bathroom, or even an additional bathroom for your bedrooms, you can add it. While bathrooms are great, you should be cautious of the materials you use as you might fail to recoup your investment when selling time comes. Avoid installing costly materials such as granite or marble countertops to be on the safe side. If planning to sell the house later down the line, stick with traditional materials. You only need to ensure they are correctly installed. Do Increase the size of your kitchen. The kitchen is one of the busiest rooms in the house, so when your family is ballooning, this will be the first room to shrink. You can increase the size of your kitchen from the interior by knocking down a wall or do so from the exterior by building an additional wall. Regardless of how you go about it, ensure that you create a functional space that increases the functionality of your kitchen. When adding a bathroom, don’t use premium materials, especially when planning to sell the house, as chances are high you won’t get your money back. Do have a plan The worst mistake you can make is to start your project without a plan. Before you begin building, have a clear idea of how you want your addition to look once complete. This calls for you to consult an architect, designer, or other professional to help design the project. By doing this, you not only have a clear idea about the results of your project but also help you understand other options available, establish a clear plan on how you will achieve it, and even account for some of the issues that might arise during the execution and how you will avoid them. Don’t overbuild it As much as additional space will increase the value of your home, you should avoid building a big addition where you don’t have outdoor space. You need to balance things out to have enough room for your activities and a large enough outdoor space to relax and entertain. Don’t over-customize the addition. We all have different tastes, and we want to design our houses in a way that pleases our ideals. Some argue that they customize their houses as they aren’t planning to sell them later, but things constantly change. Regardless of whether you are planning to sell your house or not, you should avoid going overboard with customizations. Remember that it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. This calls for you to avoid […]
Read more6 Tips For Building An Addition To Your Home
Are you having a home addition project? Here are tips to consider: Work with an expert A home addition project is an expensive endeavor and the last thing you want is to hire someone that botches up the project. To ensure this doesn’t happen, work with an experienced home addition builder. Before you begin working with the contractor, have everything in writing—this is solely to make the contract binding and have evidence should the contractor fail to deliver their end. The contract should clearly spell out what is included in the price so that you don’t keep being asked to pay random fees that can easily pile up and bury you. Although it’s good to have the contract in writing, you should note that this can’t account for unexpected problems that might arise later on. So, despite having everything in writing, it’s wise to prepare for surprises. Don’t go overboard When you want to impress and give your home the best look possible, it’s easy to go overboard. For example, it’s easy to go all the way out and build an extremely large addition. It’s also possible to be carried away and use the highest quality materials possible. To be on the safe side, construct a house of the right size. When it comes to materials, go for quality materials that will stand the test of time and withstand the usual wear and tear. Be decisive If you ask any home addition contractor, they will tell you of a horror story of when the homeowner changed their mind severally regarding the kitchen cabinets, paint or flooring while the project was underway. You should avoid this as it often causes plenty of confusion. It also increases the costs of labor and materials throwing your budget out of place. If you aren’t sure about how you want the cabinets, kitchen or any other part of the house to look, don’t begin the project. Wait until you are sure then find a contractor. If you aren’t sure about the look you want, get the input of a professional. Be flexible As much as you should to be decisive about what you want, you should be flexible in making important decisions. For example, if you had planned to install a magogany door but it’s not available, you should be flexible enough and install a fiberglass or steel door instead. This way you prevent the project from stalling because you can’t find the exact item you planned for. The only caveat to this is that your decisions shouldn’t affect your budget too much. Buy the materials in bulk To save money and get exciting discounts, you should buy the materials you need for your project in bulk. To attract even larger discounts, buy the materials from one company. If you live in a small town, it’s wise to do your shopping in a larger city as there are plenty of options there to choose from. Don’t shy away from negotiating with the contractor When the home addition companies DC give you their quotes, try to negotiate with them so that you can bring down the […]
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