Tips to Consider When Remodeling Your Home
Whether you’re planning a home addition, eco-friendly home upgrade, condo remodel, or basement extension, you need to consider a number of tips to realize your idea as smoothly as possible. Some of the tips you need to consider include: Get the necessary permits and permissions. Before you get away with home improvement ideas and contractors, be sure you have everything in order. This entails obtaining the necessary regulations and permits to begin construction work lawfully. The particular standards and papers you must give will differ by state, but the goal is the same. Many people think permits are a hard obstacle to stop you from doing what you want. However, they protect the value of your property and your neighborhood by keeping the things that made you want to live there in the first place. Remember that you need an electrical, mechanical, or plumbing work permit. The type of permit you need varies from city to city, so always check the local building code and requirements to ensure you get the right one. Homeowners often try renovating their homes without permission, which can be very expensive if caught. If the authorities find out that you remodeled your house without them, you might have to tear down the addition and lose all the time and money you’ve spent on it. If you want to sell your house, you will also need the permit papers. Without them, you will lose money on the house. If you live in an area with a Homeowners Association (HOA) or a designated historic neighborhood, you may need permission from both the local government and these groups. It is important to know that some local building officials may want you to work with an architect before they give you permissions and permits. Even though it’s not required by law, it’s a good idea to let your neighbors know what you plan to do and how long it will take. This way, they won’t keep complaining whenever they hear noises from your house. Have a budget You need to have a budget and ensure that you have enough money. You should note that a lack of funds will rapidly bring your project to a halt or force you to make big changes to your plan, and you don’t want this, do you? When planning a home addition, it is critical to understand home addition costs to create a comprehensive budget. The first step to generating a budget is to find out what design options are available, the likely costs and problems, how long the project will take, and what needs to be done regarding planning and building regulations. Always remember that the decisions you make at the beginning of the project will affect the whole project and set the tone for how you approach the building work and how much you spend. Many cases have been reported of contractors collecting money and running away. To avoid this, ask the contractor to start working and pay them milestones to ensure they are dedicated to the project and will stay with your money. If you must pay before, pay the […]
Read more6 Things to Think About When Planning Your Home Addition
When planning for a home addition, you need to think about plenty of things. These things include: Your needs and wants These might sound the same, but they are pretty different. You might need a home addition because your family has grown since you bought your house, and you now need additional space. You do this because you can’t afford to buy a bigger, newer house right now, so you need to add to the one you have. On the other hand, you can add to your house or fix it up to increase its value or make it look better. These two reasons have different approaches, and the type of addition you go with will heavily rely on them. Once you have identified whether you need or want your home addition, you should consult home addition contractors to help you brainstorm the best project to go with. If you want to make your home bigger, add a master bedroom or a bathroom. You could also add a family room or home office to give your kids a place to play or give yourself a place to work. Think about whether you want or need the extra space and what kind of room would work best for your family, then work with the contractors to make your dream a reality. Budget How much are you looking to spend on the project? You need to think about this. If this is your first time doing it, you should consult an experienced professional to help determine the amount of money you should set aside for your project. Required legal documents In most jurisdictions, you need to get paperwork showing whether you can officially build the home addition. So, always get them to avoid being on the wrong side of the law. You’ll need to get some permits, like a building permit, to ensure that the addition is allowed on your lot based on the rules in your area. You’ll also need plot plans that show that the addition will stay on your land. In most cases, you’ll need floor plans for your home addition to determine how much space it will take up on your lot. You can get legal plans for your property from the Registry of Deeds in your area, but you must call them first to ensure you have all the information you need. They will also direct you to the right place to get the relevant documents. You must visit your town or city hall to get the other papers. Again, it’s best to call before going to the office to avoid wasting time looking for papers in the wrong place. Inspection of the existing utilities Before you can think about building, you need to know how your utilities are set up so that you don’t damage them as you add the new house. If you add a whole second floor, you will need more electricity and put a lot of pressure on your drainage system. As you can tell, your home addition must have all the services needed to be livable, like lights, running water, and other amenities. When […]
Read moreGuide to Having a Smooth Process Adding a Home Addition
You can improve your living space without moving by adding to your house. If you add an extra room or a second floor to your current layout, everyone will have their own space. If you are a homeowner and want to raise the value of your home, adding a few square feet can be a great way to do so. Adding a bathroom, master bedroom and bathroom, sunroom, or second story can significantly raise the value of your home when it comes time to sell it. When you are planning, budgeting, and designing a home addition, there are several things you need to pay attention to for you to have a great addition. These things, as given by home addition companies, include: Define the reason for the addition Ask yourself why you want to add on to your house. You should tell the contractors on the job what your goals are, like giving your kids more space or giving your guests their bathroom. They usually know the easiest way to schedule these repairs so that the renovation project meets your goals and causes you the least trouble. Understand the permits and restrictions involved. When you add on to your house, you need permits and inspections from the city or county. These restrictions are meant to keep things from going wrong in the future and make sure that the building meets all the rules. Also, getting the right permits and inspections is important to ensure the work is done right, which is important when selling a home. If you know about the necessary permits, the structure might be safer than it is. Check out your city or county’s building and zoning websites to learn about your area’s restrictions. Most permits are for electrical, plumbing, and gas, but depending on where you live, there could be many more checks, like a limit on how many stories you can access well or sewer water sources. Some rules say how close your building can be to your neighbors, the curb, or the lots on either side. You should note that you might have to do a property survey to ensure that your planned addition doesn’t break any rules about property lines. In many jurisdictions, the homeowner, not the contractor, is the one who needs to ask for and get these permits, so make sure you know who is in charge of each step. Have the proper budget. Remodeling can be expensive. Consider the current value of the whole house to get an idea of how much your remodeling project will cost. A significant addition will probably cost at least 10–15 percent of your home’s value. After talking to contractors about how much the work will cost, figure out how you will pay for it. Paying with your savings, a loan, or a home equity line of credit? The budget has to fit into the amount of money that is available. You can be creative with how you pay, and many contractors would rather have a payment plan than one big lump sum. To save money, you could do some demolition work yourself, use old […]
Read moreHome Renovation Projects That Turn Buyers Off
If you are looking to sell your house, there are several tricks you can use to boost your home’s value, such as planting trees, adding a bedroom, and so on. However, some projects might diminish their worth. There is a narrow line to tread when renovating, and if any of these three large projects are on your wish list, you should reconsider. These projects, as given by home addition contractors, are: Personalizing bathrooms too much Having an extra bathroom in your home will increase the house’s value and attract more buyers, but you risk putting prospective buyers off when you overdo it. Your bathroom is the most private area of your house, so it is tempting to gut and redesign it to suit your preferences and requirements. But, pause and carefully consider this idea before continuing further since it is rare that most purchasers would share these precise likes and demands. A good rule of thumb is to avoid painting your bathroom with unique colors such as blue, orange, pink, etc. A good way to do it is to use plain colors that attract many people. You also should avoid installing plenty of bathroom accessories with a particular design as they might be a turnoff. If you aren’t sure about your limitations, get the input of a professional. Many opinions exist, but research indicates that many buyers will want to view at least one bathroom with a bathtub before putting in an offer on your house. So it’s always wise to have a bathtub in your bathroom. Although the use of big shower stalls has been on the rise and is enticing to many purchasers, if you want to appeal to the broadest audience possible, you should leave at least one tub in your bathrooms. This is because many people love a soothing soak, and those with children and pets know that bathing them in a tub is simpler and safer. Demolishing walls Open-concept houses have their fair share of positives but aren’t attractive to everyone. If your home has several walls and you are considering demolishing any of them, proceed cautiously. Removing a wall between your kitchen and dining area may be a no-brainer for you and any future purchasers since a bigger eat-in kitchen is quite practical. But, if your renovation plans entail demolishing walls to lower the number of bedrooms, this will likely be less attractive. It is essential to have enough bedrooms to accommodate everyone in the family (and their hobbies, such as working from home in a quiet area). Upgrading your kitchen with high-end equipment and fittings Kitchens are another crucial element of a house, and if you’re an active home chef, you may yearn to replace your 1980s equipment with a high-end convection oven and granite countertops. While this is understandable, you should proceed cautiously as you might put prospective buyers off. Even if a prospective buyer enjoys cooking, a high-end kitchen might be scary ( if you’ve priced your property higher to compensate for your invested money). The right way to do it is to paint your cabinets, match your (non-fancy) appliances, and […]
Read moreIs It Cheaper To Go Out Or Up For Addition?
Any homeowner looking to increase the size of their house is confused about whether they should build their home out or up. If you are in such a situation, you should know that if you are looking to save money, you are always better off going up. Besides saving you money when you build up, home addition contractors observe that you don’t need to worry about zoning restrictions as you aren’t expanding your house’s footprint. Building your house up also means you don’t have to give up any of your yard for the new foundation. This means that you retain your yard while adding more space to your home. Best practices when building your house up You need to consider several tips to get the most from your addition. These tips include: Work with an experienced professional As much as it’s cheaper to build up, adding another floor isn’t an easy project. For one, you must remove the roof and then rebuild it completely. You also need to have extensive architectural and structural plans. For your project to be safe, you should work with an experienced professional who knows what they are doing. The professional should inspect your current house and determine whether it needs additional beams and whether the foundation needs footings poured to carry the extra weight. When hiring the contractor, hire an experienced one that has handled similar projects before. You don’t want to hire a novice who ends up botching the project you spent a fortune on. Move out of the house. Unlike adding the extra house outwards, adding the house upwards means you have to get out of the house. For once, it will be safer for you as you will have to remove the roof, and you can’t live in a roofless house, can you? The contractor will also use machines to add the extra floor, which might be unsafe for you. As you plan for the new addition, consider the hotel budget, as you will stay in the hotel for some time until the house is safe for you. While at it, also consider the storage costs. Your furniture and appliances will get damaged if you leave them inside the house, so you will need to remove them and store them in a safe place you will most likely pay for. Always plan for this as you are planning for the addition. The last thing you want is to find out that you don’t have hotel or storage money and are forced to stall your project in the middle. Have a solid budget Yes, building up is cheaper, but you still need to spend money on the project. To ensure that you see your project to completion, you should have a solid budget. When coming up with the budget, consider the cost of adding a staircase, hiring engineers, paying for building permits, installing a new heating and cooling system, repairing the house, removing and storing personal items, and many other costs. Many homeowners are excited to start their projects, but you shouldn’t. Take time and have a sitting with an experienced contractor. […]
Read more3 Things To Avoid When Renovating
Are you thinking about renovating your kitchen, bathroom, or entire house? Here are mistakes to avoid making: Being in a hurry Most people will have the urge to renovate their homes when they have a big event coming. This can be a birthday party, family gathering, and so on. As you can tell, they are usually on a time crunch to get things done before the big day. While this is good as they have a time when they should have the project done, it often leads to them being in a hurry, increasing their chances of making plenty of mistakes that end up being too expensive. For example, if the event means some people will sleep over, you might have to have an extra bedroom. This means that you have to hire home addition companies to do this. As you can tell, this isn’t a small project, as you have to knock some walls down or even put others up. You don’t do an excellent job in a hurry on such a project. To have a great experience, you shouldn’t be in a hurry when renovating a house. When you are remodeling due to a coming event, don’t start a week before the event, as chances are that you will be in a hurry and you will mess up. Instead, start a few months before the event. Experts recommend that you start at least three months before the event. This way, you have enough time to find the right contractors and fix issues that might arise, among many other things. Hire the cheapest contractor Many people renovating their houses want to do it at the lowest cost possible. So, they will go with the cheapest options available. This ranges from the contractor they hire to the materials they use. While having a budget is good, you shouldn’t be too cheap as it often backfires. For example, in most cases, the cheap contractor you hire is most likely inexperienced, and they will most likely botch your project. When it comes to cheap building materials, they might be poor quality, and they not only look ugly but also don’t last as long. To stay safe, get quality materials that will give you a great experience. The materials will be a little expensive, but they will be worth it. The same applies to contractors. Don’t hire the cheapest. Take time to find quality ones that know what they are doing. Like the materials, they will be a little expensive, but you have peace of mind that you won’t need to go back to repeat the work they have already done. Don’t work without a plan. It’s tempting to start the renovations as soon as you get the money, but this isn’t a wise move as you tend to make mistakes that can be difficult to reverse. The right thing to do is plan how you will renovate. Before you begin the project, sit down with an experienced professional and ask them to help you develop a plan for the project. Through the planning, you will know when the project will begin, how […]
Read moreTricks That Will Make A Small Room Feel Larger
Do you have a room you feel cramped in every time you step in? Any homeowner would want to bring down the walls and build a new one. While you can do this if you have the space for it, home addition companies observe that you don’t always have to go this route, as there are several tricks you can use to make the house look larger and less cramped. Which are these tricks? Here they are: Get rid of clutter Nothing makes a small room look dirty and congested as plenty of trash is lying around. To make the room look clean and more organized, you should get rid of all the trash, properly arrange everything, and place it out of sight. To maximize space, clear the floor as much as possible. It’s even better to get rid of large rugs to make the floor appear larger. For the walls, it’s okay to have a picture here and there, but you shouldn’t cover them with a lot of art. Remember that one large paint or tapestry is much better than a group of smaller paintings as they make the walls look dirty. To make the room appear to have more space, go for low-profile furniture pieces. For example, if you are having a smaller bedroom, go for a low-profile bed and bedside table. Make use of mirrors Mirrors are an age-old trick. The cool thing with mirrors is they not only reflect light but also reflect images of the space, which makes the space look larger than it is. To get the most from mirrors, choose a focal point and angle the mirrors towards it. A great way to go about it is to place the mirror near a window reflecting the world outside. You can also place mirrors on the walls and glass tabletops, making the room more open. You can install mirrors on the floor if your home design allows it. You should note that it can sometimes get out of control, especially when you improperly install the mirrors or install them so that they make the house look cluttered. Make use of lighting. Like mirrors, lights can significantly make a room look larger when properly used. If you have access to natural light, install large windows that will bring in as much natural light as possible. It also doesn’t hurt to install sheer window curtains or even pull back the curtains as much as possible, so you allow as much light in as possible. If you don’t have access to natural light, you can add some creative lighting effects using light fixtures. Paint the room white White paint has a reflective quality that opens up a room, making it feel airy and light. To make the house appear larger, paint it white. For maximum benefits, paint the walls and ceiling the same shade of white. Painting a house isn’t hard, so if you have the time, you can do it yourself, but let an experienced professional help you out for the best output. Make use of vertical elements. Vertical elements such as wood paneling help emphasize […]
Read moreHome Addition Tips and Tricks
Are you looking to add a room to your house? Here are valuable tips you should pay attention to as given by home addition companies: Go with the easy one No, we are not saying that you should go the easy route, which means you will likely botch your project. We say that you should work with what is easy to finish. For example, if you are simply interested in an additional bedroom, don’t build one from scratch, as this will take time and be expensive. The cheapest and right thing to do is finish the basement, garage, or even the attic and turn it into a bedroom. If you have all of these spaces and can’t decide on the one that is easier and cheaper to turn into a usable room, get the input of a professional. Always have a plan Even if you are turning your garage into a livable space, always have a plan of how things will work and how the room will look once complete. If you have handled a similar project before, this will be a piece of cake but if you aren’t confident in your skills, work with an expert that knows what they are doing. If you are building a new house from scratch, take time to take the measurements and ensure that the addition will fit your property lines. It’s also wise to check with the local government and confirm how closely the codes in your city allow you to build next to your neighbor’s property. When installing a new addition from scratch, ensure that the new building won’t interfere with the utility lines or pipes. Also, ensure that the structural changes you are looking to make will fit into the framing and foundation of your building. Permits are necessary if you are building a new house, so always get them before you begin your project. Always think about value. As much as you are looking for extra space, always think about the value that the space brings to the table. This calls for you to be strategic about how you go about it. For example, if you simply want an extra bedroom for your guests, don’t add the extra space. Think about how you can add the extra space and still add value to your property. An excellent way to do it is to add an extra bedroom with an in-built bathroom. This way, you make the bedroom more comfortable as it has its bathroom and significantly increase the property’s valuproperty’sxtra bedroom means more space for the prospective buyer. Work with trusted professionals. Regardless of how minor your project is, always involve the services of professionals. And not just professionals—experts that know what they are doing. Many people looking for contractors for their projects go online and hire the first technician they find. This is wrong as it often leads to homeowners hiring the wrong contractor. The best way to do this is to contact at least five promising technicians and then schedule an interview with them. It’s only after you have determined that the technicians are qualified and will […]
Read moreHome Remodeling Tips Every Homeowner Should Know
Are you thinking about remodeling your home? Here are expert tips given by home remodeling architects that will ensure that you have a successful home remodeling project: Always plan ahead How do you want your remodeling project to look? What are the projected results? You should plan this ahead of time. Before you even begin the project, you should know how you want the project to look. You also should know the amount of money you will spend on the project. It’s also important to know who will handle the project beforehand. The last thing you want is to look for a contractor too late. You should note that when you do it too late, you make many mistakes that often jeopardize your project. Have a budget As mentioned above, you should know the amount of money you should plan to spend on your project, and there are plenty of ways to know how to go about it. Visit several stores and find out the prices they charge for their materials. While you should try to save as much money as possible, avoid a store selling its products at ultra-high prices, as they will be ripping you off. You also should avoid those selling you the products at low prices as they might be selling you substandard materials, and you don’t want to use low-quality products on your house, do you? Besides knowing the prices of items, it’s also wise to know how much you will spend on labor, building permits, and decorative finishes. An excellent way to estimate the prices is to get quotations from experienced contractors that know what they are doing. The best way to go about it is to get quotations from at least 3 contractors. If the estimates exceed your budget, consider cutting out some unnecessary elements. To avoid running out of money, reserve at least 10% of your budget for unexpected costs. Find a way to finance your project. Where will the money for the project come from? You need to know this. If you have some savings, you can use them on the project, but if you don’t, you should consider getting a loan. Don’t get the loan from anywhere—shop around and find a plan that gives you the best deal. One of the best to go with is a fixed rate with flexible repayment terms. This way, you have an easy time planning how to repay it. Come up with a timeline. For your project to have a goal, you must develop a timeline. This calls for you to have the project start and completion date. If you are doing the project by yourself, you should have a plan of when you will start it and when you will complete it. If working with a contractor, come up with timelines of when you will achieve certain milestones. As you are coming up with the timelines, ensure that you have time to ship the necessary materials and, at the same time, have enough time to prepare the area properly. As much as you want to complete the project, you don’t want to do […]
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