Tips To A Smooth And Seamless Home Addition
As much as a home addition adds more room and functionality to a house, sometimes it looks out of place, and you regret hiring the home addition builder. You need to ensure that the addition you put in place looks smooth and seamless for the perfect outcome. How do you achieve this? Here are tips to a Smooth and Seamless home addition: Hire the right contractors Everything begins here. In the same way, you can’t expect a well-cooked meal from a novice chef, there is no way you will have a smooth and seamless house if working with the wrong company. Many people hire the wrong contractors when they hurry to complete a task. Don’t do this. To hire the right contractor, take your time to dig deeper into the contractor. Go through reviews of the past clients, scroll through their portfolios to make sure they know their work, and even interview them one on one to determine they are the right fit. As you are talking with the contractors, listen to your instincts. If it doesn’t feel correct working with them, walk away and find someone else. For that smooth, seamless look, work with professionals that have handled similar projects before. The contractors should also be experienced and have been in the industry for a long time. Before you even begin the project, ask the contractor to give you digital tabulations of how the house will look once complete. This way, you have a better understanding of the home’s final look before you even begin. Match the exterior finishes Your home addition should match every detail of the original home from the siding, doors, trim, windows, and paint colors. If some parts are no longer in production, ensure that the home addition design complements the original house aspects. To ensure a smooth and seamless look, here are ideas you can go with: The roof: The roof of your addition should closely match the roofline of your existing house. This calls for you to ensure that the pitch, style, overhang, rafter size, spacing, and eave depth match. You may also have to install an entirely new roof especially if the shingles on the existing house are faded, and you can’t find those that match. Siding and other exterior finishes: Keep a close eye on the siding colors. If your existing siding has faded, it won’t match the new siding on the home addition. Having the same color and style of the trim will go a long way towards tying the structured together. Windows and doors: If your house is old, it’s almost impossible to find the exact doors and windows. To bring about some uniformity, go for windows and doors whose designs are in harmony with the existing style. You can even replace the older products with newer replacements that will come in handy at maintaining a consistent design. Use similar materials The materials you use go a long way towards designing a visually seamless house addition. Try as much as possible to use similar materials as the original house. If you can’t find the materials, work with an experienced […]
Read moreHow to Save Money on Bathroom Renovations
Renovating your bathroom goes a long way towards giving your home an elegant look, so you feel proud as a homeowner. At the same time, it makes your home more attractive to a potential homebuyer, so your house gets out of the market fast. While this is the case, the downside is that bathroom renovations don’t come cheap, so many homeowners stay away from them. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to renovate your bathroom on a budget. Which are these ways? Here they are as given by home addition companies: Make use of what is already in place When you are looking to save as much money as possible, you want to make use of what is already available. Some of the available materials that you can use include: Bathtubs: Instead of replacing the bathtubs, simply clean them. For even better results, professionally clean and refinish them. Shower enclosures: These give your home a high-end look, and don’t have to install new ones. If you have a tiled enclosure, you simply need to thoroughly clean the tiles and grout. In some cases, you might need to patch down some worn areas. To give the shower enclosure a fresher look, stain the white grout darker. Do you have fiberglass or acrylic shower walls? Patch the dented or cracked spots. Toilets: You can change the toilet’s look by giving it a new toilet seat and lid. To add a touch of elegance, go with a wooden toilet seal or soft close model that doesn’t slum shut. Sinks: You can dramatically change the kitchen’s look by doing simple things. For example, if the porcelain is cracked, you simply need to repair it. Make use of paint Paint is cheap, and when you creatively use it, you can significantly transform the house’s overall look. Some of the creative ways to give your house a new look include: Create textured effects: You need to use two different colors to do this. Start with giving the entire wall a base coat in one color, then use a textured tool such as rag, sponge, or comb to apply the second coat. Paint the floor: When looking to give your home a new look, you shouldn’t limit yourself to painting the walls—also pay attention to the floor. Instead of installing new tiles, simply paint the old ones. To do this, begin with thoroughly cleaning the tiles with sandpaper, then apply a water-based acrylic primer. You should then top the primer with durable latex or urethane paint, and you have elegant-looking tiles. If you want to give your floor a tile look, use paint and stencils on wood or concrete floor. To do this, use sturdy porch paint and three coats of polyurethane. Use cheaper materials It goes that you will save a lot of money when you use cheaper materials on your remodeling project. For the walls, only use tiles in the wet area and paint the rest of the drywall. When it comes to the floor, use vinyl and laminate, as they are cheaper. If you love the stone look, go for […]
Read moreCan You Build An Addition On A Mobile Home?
If you have a mobile home, you might have the impression that you are out of luck, and unlike your neighbors with traditional houses, there is no way you can increase or add value to your home. Fortunately, this isn’t the case. Can you build an addition on a mobile home? Yes, you can definitely do it, but before we proceed, we need to make one thing clear—there is a difference between modern and older mobile homes. Current mobile homes aren’t strict, but rather manufactured and modular homes built in the factory and transported to your preferred site. Manufactured houses are almost similar to a traditional house so if you feel that you need to make an addition to them, go ahead and find an experienced home addition builder and put up your desired structure. What additions can you make to your mobile home? Well, there are plenty of additions you can make to your home. The common ones being: Deck or porch If your mobile home doesn’t have an outdoor living area, you should go ahead and add a porch or deck to it as a way to improve the look and value of the house. You aren’t limited on the size of deck you can construct. It can be a small one to cover a small area, or it can wrap around the house, creating a large area for outdoor relaxing, entertaining, and barbequing. If you love being outdoors, but prefer sitting under a shade, consider constructing a sunroom. Add an extra bathroom. Most modular houses come with a single bathroom that can create logistical issues, especially if you have a growing family and you frequently have houseguests over. If your house is becoming smaller, consider getting an extra bathroom. Like the deck, you have plenty of options you can go with. You can add an adjoining bathroom to the master bedroom or add a powder room or half-bath to accommodate the mushrooming number of guests and visitors. There is no right or wrong way to go about it—it’s up to you to go with your preferences. Add a car parking area. If you don’t have a covered parking area outside your house, you are forced to carry your groceries and large packages long distances, which are inconvenient. Sometimes you are forced to regularly scrape snow and frost off your vehicle, especially if you live in cold climates. To solve this, you should consider building a paved driveway to the exterior of your mobile house. If you want to protect your car from the weather elements, build an enclosed garage. Build an entertainment room If you love your entertainment, nothing is preventing you from adding an entertainment room to your house. An ideal entertainment room features a large screen TV to watch movies, shows, and play video games and a comfortable seating area. As you can tell, this addition will cost you much more or even require more work than when adding a small bedroom or bathroom. Increase the amount of light getting into the house Sometimes you might not need additional rooms or extra space, but you […]
Read moreHow to Join an Addition to a House
Whether you are looking to add a pantry, a storage closet, garage, or an entire house, you should follow the right procedure to professionally join the addition to the house. Wondering how to join an addition to a house? Here are the steps to follow as given by the home addition builder: Obtain the necessary permits Most states will require you to get building permits before you begin working on your addition. To get the permits you have to visit your local county offices. To get the permit, expect to be asked to provide copies of your building plan, the exact specifications of your drainage you will be adding and the distances from the side yards, sewer lines and other amenities. Getting these permits takes time and it can be expensive so ensure you leave enough time and money. Dig the foundation Now armed with the permits you can begin your project and you should start with building the foundation. Using a backhoe, dig the extra foundation and footers starting from the existing house edge to the ends of the new structure’s plan. For the foundation to be strong and durable, ensure that its construction quality. This means that it should be made from thick concrete material poured to a precise depth. You can do the foundation work by yourself but for the best results, let a professional help out. You can build any type of foundation as long as it complies with the building codes in your area. Prepare the walls Now with the foundation in place, move to the next step—laying out the walls. You should build the wall frames according to your new structure plans, starting from your present wall and move towards the direction of the new addition. For the best outcome, build the new wall frame with 2 by 4 or 6-inch boards and cut them to the height of the house addition plan. The reason you should go for boards of this size is because they have been shown to hold adequate insulation. Screw the walls to the existing wall Using 4-inch screws, screw your wall frame to the outside of your existing wall and for the wall frame to be strongly attached to the wall, the screws should penetrate at least 2 inches of the wall frame and the wall frame of the existing house. Nail the bottom plates The wall frame is made up of the bottom plate and the top plate. So after nailing the top plate, nail the bottom plate of the wall frame to the new foundation. For a strong attachment, nail the upright studs every 16 inches. When it comes to the bottom plate choice, go with wall frames that are 10-12 feet as they stand upright and easily nail together. When nailing the bottom plate to the concrete foundation, use an action hammer for an easier time. Install the roof Once the walls are all in place, now you should install the roof at a perpendicular angle to avoid a snow or moisture problem. Ensure that the slope of the new structure roof eases into the present […]
Read more4 Home Additions That Are Worth It
Building home addition is one way of making your home more attractive to potential buyers but like every homeowner, you want to get the highest return on your investment so you should build the right addition. If you are in this position, lucky for you as there are plenty of home additions that you can go with. Some of the best ones include: Two-story addition Have you heard the expression, “Go big or go home?” it works in home additions and if you have the money, you should build a two-story house as it will pay off in the end. According to real estate experts, building a home addition will see you increasing your return on investments by up to 65%. When you are building the home addition, ensure that you have an upstairs master suite and a downstairs living area which is what most homeowners are drawn to. You might be wondering why the two-story addition will make your house more attractive to potential buyers, right? Well, the addition increases the square footage of your house and since every homeowner is looking for a bigger house, they are bound to find your house more appealing. Kitchen expansion Another home addition project that will see you laughing all the way to the bank is a kitchen expansion project. If your current kitchen is too small or cramped, you aren’t going to sell the house at the top dollar that you are looking for. Also, refinishing the cabinets or replacing the old appliances isn’t going to cut it—you have to expand it. As you are planning the kitchen expansion project, you should note that sometimes you can go overboard hence making your house less attractive to potential buyers. For example, even if every homeowner wants a beautiful, decent-looking kitchen, none is interested in paying for the premium kitchen countertops so don’t use them on your counters. Also, no homeowner is looking to pay a premium fee for one-of-a-kind premium kitchen appliances. The most important thing when it comes to remodeling the kitchen is to expand its size. When it comes to the countertops and appliances, simply use the standard materials as using expensive unique products won’t give you the returns you are looking for. Bathroom addition Your home having not enough bathrooms can be a big turn-off to potential buyers so if you have the resources, consider adding an extra bathroom to the house. If the resources aren’t enough for a complete bathroom, add a half bath and it will still increase your home’s overall sale appeal. Real estate professionals report that adding a bathroom to your home can see you get up to a 53% return on investment. Like with the kitchen, don’t go all the way out when remodeling the bathroom as you might add some features that will make your unit less attractive to potential buyers. You might also spend too much money on a unit and fail to recoup your investment. To be on the safe side, work with experts that will help you find a balance. Adding an outdoor patio space Every homeowner wants a place […]
Read moreWondering What Order to Do Home Renovations? Follow This Guide
To avoid wasting money, time, and resources, you need to have a detailed order on how to accomplish your home remodeling project. The safest and most sensible way to go about it is to hire home remodeling architects to help with the planning, design, and budgeting, but what if you don’t have money? You should do it yourself. Wondering what order to do home renovations? Here is a guideline to follow: Make a plan The usual cliché, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail, holds even in a home remodeling project. Before you begin the remodeling, carefully assess the areas you would like to renovate and set your priorities. You will need money to accomplish the project, regardless of whether it’s big or small, so you need to come up with a budget. When creating the budget, factor in all the costs that you will incur. Think about the cost of the materials, transport, tapes, and others. The most difficult cost to budget for is the labor costs, but you will be on the safe side if you put it at 20-40% of your total budget. As you are coming up with a budget, remember to have a 10-20% contingency for emergencies. This amount might seem like a lot, especially when you are looking to make every dollar count but remember that you are better off being left with money once the project is done than to halt the project in the middle after your pockets run dry. Hire a contractor Unless you are a skilled handyman, you shouldn’t try to handle a remodeling project yourself, as you will waste a lot of time and money. Regardless of the size of your project, hire a contractor to handle it. The key to finding the right contractor is taking your time and not hiring the first contractor you come across. You should interview several contractors and settle on the most qualified. Avoid an extremely cheap contractor as they are most likely inexperienced, and chances are high they will botch your project. At the same time, avoid an extremely expensive contractor, as they might be ripping you off. Take your time and find a contractor that gives you value without having to part with astronomical amounts of money. Talk to your insurance company. Do you have home insurance? You should talk to your insurance company and ensure you have the amount of coverage that fits your needs. Most likely, the home renovation will raise your home’s value, so the insurance company should increase your coverage limits, so your investment has better protection. Secure the necessary permits and order the materials Most municipalities will require you to have construction permits, and not having them will have a significant impact on your project, so ensure you have them. You also should check the municipality’s regulations and ensure you adhere to them to avoid being on the wrong side of the law. While at it, order the materials you need for the project. These include: lumber, windows, doors, and drywall. Start the demolitions If there are areas of the house that you […]
Read more4 Types of House Renovations
Different people renovate their homes for different reasons. Some do it to improve the functionality and appeal of the house while others do it to improve the house’s value. Are you looking to renovate your home but not sure the type of renovation you should go for? Here are four types of renovations you should consider as given by home remodeling architects: Basic renovations This is where you renovate the basic features of the house that everybody and anybody can see. The cool thing with basic renovations is you can do them without hiring a highly experienced contractor. You also don’t need to spend an astronomical amount of money on them. At the end of the basic renovation project, you should have functioning gutters, a roof that doesn’t leak, a dry basement, a solid floor, a reliable furnace, working retaining walls, and walls in top condition. You should note that you don’t have to replace the amenities. Simply focus on regular maintenance and if you have to upgrade the units, don’t spend a lot of money on them. If you are making the renovations to flip the house, make them in such a way that your house stands out from the competition but don’t make any unwarranted upgrades that will excessively exceed the other properties in the area. This is because this will scare off potential buyers and at the same time lead to you losing money. Curb appeal renovations These are renovations that people don’t focus too much on, but can significantly improve the selling of your house. We can say these renovations improve the appeal of the house and help the prospective buyer make the buying decision quicker. Some of the renovations of this nature that you can make include: applying a fresh layer of paint, cleaning the carpets, mowing the lawn, and replacing worn-out appliances. While you might be looking to significantly improve the appeal of your curb, be cautious of the additions you make. For example, this is not the time to incorporate bold designs into the décor. You also should be cautious of the lights you install. As a rule of thumb, don’t overdo the lights as you can break the bank or overrun your home circuitry. For an affordable and modern-looking house, install LED or recessed lights. If you are having a problem with this, consult an interior decorating professional. Value-added renovations From their name, these are renovations that add the most value to the house and at the same time give you maximum returns. These renovations as given by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) include new siding, new windows, and kitchen renovations. When done right, these renovations will help you recoup up to 80% or more of the costs. Other high-return renovations include: refurbished decks, upgraded bathrooms, and energy-saving improvements. Personal preference renovations From the name, these are renovations you make because you love or need them. If you are looking to sell the house, some of your potential buyers might not like the renovations, but you love having them. The most popular of these are: tennis courts, wine cellars, swimming pools, […]
Read moreCan I Build My Own Addition?
If you are asking, can I build my own addition? You must be thinking about adding another room in your house, but you don’t have money to hire a home addition builder, right? Well, the good news is that you can build an additional house if you have the necessary skills. You only need to follow the right procedure. Step 1: Draft the house plan. This is the first thing to do. Come up with a plan for the house you are looking to build. Of course, you should have the plan done by an expert. An ideal plan should include the shape, size, architectural points, floor layout, and other room aspects. When getting the plan, be specific about what you are looking for. How many square feet do you want the house addition to be? Do you want the room addition to have a bathtub or walk-in shower? Be specific about it to help the architect come up with a perfect plan. Being specific will also help you come up with a more accurate estimate. Step 2: Get the necessary building permits. Most states require you have building permits for every house you are putting up. To avoid being on the wrong side of the law, check with your local zoning board on the requirements you need to meet. Depending on your state, a building inspector may visit your property to check on the progress, so follow the plans closely and stay within the local authorities’ parameters. Step 3: Sink the foundation. Once you have the plan and the necessary permits, now it’s time to begin the construction work. Mark the areas that you need to dig and proceed with the work. When digging the foundation, ensure the new foundation is as close to your existing house as much as possible. The size and depth of the foundation vary depending on the size and height of your home addition. Step 4: Put up the walls. With the foundation in place, now it’s time to put up the walls. Since you are simply building a home addition and not a full-scale house, it won’t take you a long time to construct the house’s frame. After you have constructed the frame, begin erecting the walls. If you are constructing a small house, you can save money and time by getting prefabricated walls from your local store. Step 5: Install the roof. As soon as the walls are in place, install the roof to protect the walls from the harsh weather elements. For a uniform look, ensure that your room’s roofing style is similar to that of the main house. If you have roofing skills, you can install the roof by yourself but if you have never done it before, let a roofing professional do it so that the new roofing lines up with the existing roof. Step 6: Complete the electrical work. Are the walls and roof in place, and you are satisfied with them? Now it’s time to do some electrical wiring and HVAC system work. Since you will be dealing with electricity and ductwork, it’s wise you have an […]
Read moreRefreshing Makeover: What to Consider Before Painting Your House
Painting your home may be easier said than done. You need to plan for it carefully. You also have to choose the right paint color that you won’t regret later on. Or whether you need to paint your house walls in the first place. You might have to hire a professional for a home remodel. Nonetheless, it is a good idea to refresh your home every now and then. It doesn’t matter whether you decide to repaint your room, replace your bathroom tiles, or renovate your kitchen. What’s important that whatever these home improvements will benefit your entire household in terms of aesthetic appeal and safety. Painting: A cheap but effective home improvement White walls sure can look boring. So, the easiest and most inexpensive solution to brighten up your walls is by repainting it. Its difficulty level depends on how big the wall area you are going to paint. It can be only one side of the room or all of the walls of the house. This is one reason why a lot of homeowners dread house painting but should be done nonetheless. Aside from time, you also have to take into consideration what specific color to choose. There are several factors that you should consider when choosing a paint color. Home remodeling architects might help you choose the right paint shade for your home. It can be a tedious chore, but you will love the end result. If you are hiring a home additions builder, make sure you let them know what you want if they will also paint your walls. Otherwise, you can do your own thing – or even let your family decide on the colors! What to do before painting your house walls As mentioned, there are several things you need to consider before painting your house’s walls. It is important that you know these to prevent regrets later on unless you are willing to repaint over again. Getting the area to be painted ready Painting the walls with the furniture and desks around can be quite a hassle. That is why you should clear the area first before doing the paint job. If it’s a home remodeling addition, you have to take them out first so you can finish the paint job faster. If it’s a simple paint job, you can just move them to the center of the room and cover the items using old bedsheets or blankets. Wiping off any debris It may seem unnecessary, but cleaning the walls of any dirt and debris is important. Doing so will make the paint stick to the walls a lot better. Also, make sure to fill in any cracks or holes present on the walls. Add tape on window trims, outlet covers, and light switches before painting. Don’t forget to put old newspapers so that the paint won’t drip off on the floor. Checking the paint color If you have a specific color that you want, make sure to get a sample first. Sometimes, the actual color when applied on the wall may look different from what you imagine it to be. You can […]
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